Spokane Conservation District

A conservation district provides technical assistance and tools to help landowners manage and protect natural resources throughout the United States. Conservation districts work with landowners on a voluntary basis, which means they have no regulatory authority.

Conservation districts were formed on a national level following the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, which brought attention to the need to conserve natural resources, particularly soil. A model Conservation District Law was developed in 1937 under the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt with a goal of creating local leadership to coordinate the conservation efforts of various entities and tailor them to meet local conditions and priorities. The Washington Conservation District Law (RCW 89.08) describes the responsibilities and purpose of conservation districts within the state.

The Spokane Conservation District has a mission to help protect, conserve, and enhance natural resources. They also aim to promote the sustainable use of natural resources within Spokane County. The vision of the SCD is to take available technical, financial, and educational resources, whatever their source, and coordinate them so they meet the needs of the local landowner for the conservation of soil, water, trees, and other natural resources.

Information about this client is simply offered for reference, we do not represent them through this website. Please visit their webpage or contact them directly for more information about their organization and the amazing work they do.


Spokane Farmers Market


Upper Columbia Resource Conservation & Development Council